Should I be Worried About TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) While Using a Tampon, Menstrual Cup, or Disc?
by Protyusha on Jul 13, 2023

Firstly, don’t be scared of using tampons, the Z cup or the Z disc. What you need is awareness because - Awareness is power…
To be really honest Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare but serious complication that can result from certain bacterial infections. It occurs when Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria — which naturally exist on your skin, nose, or mouth — are pushed deeper into the body.
Although stereotypically associated with the usage of tampons, TSS can be contracted by both men and women through an array of methods. In the worst of cases, TSS can lead to limb amputations or even death. The symptoms closely mimic common flu, and therefore, many afflicted refuse to seek help in time.
Is tampon a cause of TSS?
Several decades have seen tampons as a significant cause of TSS, especially in the 1970s when a super-absorbent tampon called “Rely” flooded the markets, leading to numerous deaths. Since then, the leading advice for tampon users has been to follow the wear instructions correctly and to use organic tampons.
Lemme Be’s tampons are sustainable, biodegradable, chemical-free, and small in size that makes you feel light and carefree. Without being exposed to any pesticides, they responsibly source 100% certified organic cotton. Their sustainable period product goes forward to ensure an eco-friendly system.
Some tips to avoid TSS:
- Maintain personal hygiene during your period.
- Do not wear tampons when you do not have your period.
- Consider using pads or panty liners during the last day or so of your period when your flow is light.
- Change tampons regularly (at least every four hours).
- Only unwrap the tampon if you are going to use it immediately.
- Do not handle the tampon more than you need to.
- Wash your hands thoroughly before and after inserting the tampon.
- Be gentle when inserting and removing tampons.
Can a menstrual cup be a source of TSS?
Menstrual cups have been in use for decades and gradually rising in demand over the last 10 years, so if they were as likely to cause Toxic Shock Syndrome, there would have been reports of TSS in line with the numbers associated with tampons. Menstrual cups are generally regarded as safe within the medical community.
For Z cup users, ensure that you clean the product properly after use. Wearing a cup in the vagina for more than 12 is not advised. However, sometimes it may accidentally stretch to 14 hours which, although not recommended, does not lead to something catastrophic.
Z cups are a far healthier choice than tampons as tampons absorb your body’s natural moisture leading to personal dryness. They also leave behind micro-abrasions in the vaginal canal- especially when removed before fully saturated. Z cups can be worn for any amount of flow, making them a more convenient option.
Lemme Be brings you their Z cup after herculean research. Created for Gen Z, the Z cup has a unique tilted shape and a protruding belly that allows it to hug your body. Made from medical-grade silicone, the Z cup is soft enough to roll as thin as your tampon.
Introducing Lemme Be’s Z-disc
For the first time in India, Lemme Be introduces the Z disc - a revolutionary period care option that is super safe, secure, and durable. It makes you forget about your uncomfortable flow for a good 12 hours. Removing your Z disc? Simply wash and reuse!
It is a disc-shaped shallow menstrual cup made from medical-grade silicone. It is an eco-friendly and sustainable product. Having a capacity of 55 ml, it’s an excellent option for people who have a heavy flow. Menstrual discs are a safer and more environmentally friendly way to manage your menstrual cycle.
Menstrual discs are safe for everyone, including teenagers and adults. A menstrual disc is an excellent way for teenagers to get started on invasive period care products.
It also has almost no threat from TSS because it is eco-friendly and easy to clean. For more information on wearing and taking off a Z disc, visit Lemme Be’s official website!
TSS, in conclusion, can source from other places than period products. Although tampons are not advised to use after the calamity of 1970, there are always Z cups and Z discs to try out and keep safe! And organically sourced cotton-made pads are here to aid you in times of indecisiveness.